Ethics and compliance in France: a guide to success
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The development of recent legislation in France, such as Sapin II, the EU Directive on whistleblowers and the CSDDD, illustrates a real desire on the part of public authorities to encourage employees to speak out within companies.
To help you navigate this complex but important landscape, NAVEX has created a guide to compliance in France. It contains reminders of French law, expert advice, data and graphs.
NAVEX invites you to watch this webinar where you can find out more about :
Find out more about the data in our guide and the views of the experts.
“We have strong cultural factors that prevent us from speaking up operatively.”
Farah Zaoui
“In many ways, France is the country to watch in terms of institutional landscape.”
Wim Vanderbrocke
“Companies have a great responsibility to advocate, to evangelize whistleblowing and the importance of it.”
Jan Stappers
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