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Your AI-powered guide to employee compliance

Give your people on-demand answers to their compliance questions – as quickly and easily as sending and receiving a text.

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Make policies quick and easy to understand


Securely answer compliance queries around the clock


Give consistent, accurate answers every time

Black man in khaki jacket dancing in copy room with headphones

Employees ask. NAVEX One Compliance Assistant answers.

Imagine your employees having the power to tap into complex policy documents and get the information they need as soon as they ask a question. Compliance Assistant makes it possible to do exactly that, giving bite-sized, clear answers referencing your documentation – around the clock, from anywhere.  

NAVEX One Compliance Assistant brings you: 

  • An easy way to simplify your risk and compliance policies and processes for your people 
  • Maintained chat threads for context-aware compliance conversations 
  • A more human learning experience, using AI-based natural language processing
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The next frontier of governance, risk and compliance: AI!

Revolutionizing the compliance experience, our compliance AI helps you simplify and automate processes. Explore how this innovation can speed up and amplify your compliance efforts – as well as make compliance easier to understand and engage with across your organization.  

Watch this video to learn more!

Your NAVEX One Compliance Assistant questions, answered

  • Is NAVEX One Compliance Assistant generative AI?

    No, this implementation of the OpenAI LLMs is considered static. We set the model’s creativity level (the temperature) to zero. The information in the response comes only from the documents themselves.

  • Does Open AI (Chat GPT) have access to the search queries? Any potential impacts on the confidentiality of internal policies?

    The confidentiality of your organization’s internal policies remains our top priority, and the NAVEX One Compliance Assistant is engineered to rigorously safeguard this confidentiality. By leveraging the robust security infrastructure of Azure, we ensure an unparalleled level of protection for the data: 

    • Data privacy and isolation: Azure OpenAI provides a secure, isolated environment for an organization’s data, ensuring the documents and queries processed by Compliance Assistant are exclusively accessible to the organization. This isolation prevents unauthorized access or use of the data, keeping it private and secure for your organization. Using the Azure infrastructure, the interactions with the models are shielded from use by OpenAI public models. 
    • Compliance certifications: Azure’s adherence to global and industry-specific compliance standards (such as GDPR, HIPAA, and ISO/IEC 27001) extends to Compliance Assistant. This comprehensive compliance framework offers peace of mind that operations meet the highest data protection standards. 
    • Encryption in transit and at rest: One of Azure’s key security features is data encryption in transit and at rest. This means any data sent to or stored within Compliance Assistant is encrypted, providing a barrier against unauthorized access or breaches. This encryption, coupled with network security controls and identity and access management, ensures data is protected by the most advanced security measures available. 
    • Respecting PolicyTech controls: Compliance Assistant seamlessly integrates with PolicyTech document access controls, ensuring users can only query and access documents they are authorized to view. This integration maintains internal policies’ confidentiality integrity while benefiting from Azure’s security enhancements to provide a secure and efficient policy management solution.
  • Does it search through all of an organization's policies? Or can they limit the search to a few documents (based on permissions; for example, I don't want employees getting answers; only managers should see them)?

    Each employee has their own library of content available to them, which is what is searched when Compliance Assistant is used.

  • Does it only show documents an employee has access to in NAVEX One PolicyTech?

    The document access controls that are part of PolicyTech persist in NAVEX One Compliance Assistant. Hence, an employee has access to the same documents in Compliance Assistant as they do in PolicyTech – no more, no less. The documents are not displayed in Compliance Assistant as a library; however, they are queried from the database based on the user’s document access permissions.

  • What is stored/remembered by the AI?

    For each query session, the AI stores the question asked, the response given, and whether the feedback provided was positive or negative.  

    Importantly, no context is carried over from one question to the next – each query is treated independently to ensure privacy and confidentiality. The data is stored in a secure database, keeping it safe and separate from other customer’s data in a multi-tenant environment. The AI model itself does not retain any of the information passed to it.

  • Can customers try NAVEX One Compliance Assistant in a test environment before turning it on for all of their employees?

    Yes. We have set up a way for global PolicyTech admins to test Compliance Assistant at their convenience. Once they are comfortable with the functionality and have confidence it will help their organization, they are able to turn on “live mode” and their entire organization will be able to access via the authenticated Compliance Hub interface. Importantly, this is for PolicyTech on the NAVEX One Platform only.

Turn pages of policies into instant compliance advice for your people

Let’s talk about how you can harness the power of AI to elevate your compliance program.