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Compliance and Policy Management

About this Datasheets

Make compliance and policy management more manageable. Use Lockpath to manage a multi-regulation compliance program, including documentation, assessments, findings, remediation and reporting. Manage controls with a streamlined framework for easier identification of ineffective or conflicting controls. Prove compliance at any point in time with a defensible record. Create, store and publish policies that can serve as a single source of truth.

  1. For anyone responsible for:
    Distributing policies, policy management, document control, document versioning
  2. What you'll learn:
    • How to comply with multiple regulations and manage the policy lifecycle more efficiently
  3. Read the Datasheets

    Compliance and Policy Management

    Compliance made less stressful, more rewarding
    It’s a tall order keeping up with regulatory compliance.

    Compliance departments are tasked with this responsibility, from ensuring policies are current with controls and laws to delivering effective awareness training to employees.

    Regulatory changes occur frequently, so staying current is always challenging. Fortunately, the Lockpath Platform from NAVEX streamlines activities and equips you with tools for managing compliance, policies, and regulatory changes.

    Lockpath offers a way to change the game, so compliance and policy management are less stressful and more rewarding.

    Download the datasheet to learn more.

    About NAVEX

    NAVEX’s GRC software and compliance management solutions support the integrated risk, ESG and compliance management programs at more than 13,000 organizations worldwide.

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