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EthicsPoint GRC Insights

About this Datasheets

NAVEX’s GRC Insights, available to EthicsPoint Essentials and Enterprise customers, delivers data that is critical to how your organization builds, maintains and delivers a culture of ethics, integrity and respect.

  1. For anyone responsible for:
    Ethics and compliance program management
  2. GRC Insights allows:
    • Your board of directors and executives access to program and performance data at a glance
    • Your risk and compliance professionals, legal and HR teams data analysis at customizable levels from topic-based to caselevel access
    • Your full organization the ability to compare your data against the wider market
  3. Read the Datasheets

    EthicsPoint GRC Insights™

    Complete Risk & Compliance Data at Your Fingertips

    Risk and compliance programs are central to the character of your organization. Critical to delivering strong organizational cultures and alignment with regulatory requirements, data and reporting capabilities empower you to take proactive and targeted actions towards mitigating and eliminating ethics and compliance risk across your organization.

    NAVEX’s GRC Insights, available to EthicsPoint Essentials and Enterprise customers, delivers data that is critical to how your organization builds, maintains and delivers a culture of ethics, integrity and respect. With customizable dashboard views that showcase the right information for the right audiences at the right time, GRC Insights allows:

    • Your board of directors and executives access to program and performance data at a glance
    • Your risk and compliance professionals, legal and HR teams data analysis at customizable levels from topic-based to caselevel access.
    • Your full organization the ability to compare your data against the wider market

    All of these options are accessible through your GRC Insights portal, as your centralized, consistent and perpetual data application.

    Powerful & Complete

    Every business is challenged to capture and comprehend data about how their organization is performing and to make informed decisions based on what they find. Small differences in levels of data clarity and sophistication can mean the difference between well-informed and well-intended decisions. It is therefore paramount that your decision makers are presented with accurate, contextual and digestible data that drives understanding of reporting and trends and empowers them to make strategic decisions.

    GRC Insights, from NAVEX, delivers the data your teams need to make well-informed decisions. With five standard dashboards and the ability to create your own custom dashboards, GRC Insights delivers the data your organization needs as it needs it.

    1. KPIs: High level data reporting that allows your executives and board of directors to view the breadth and depth of your risk and compliance program at-a-glance. Includes the ability to drill-down into any data point in the dashboard to reveal additional details for those with appropriate permissions.
    2. Open Cases: Allows your day-to-day risk and compliance professionals quick access to all open incident management cases; presented in various data allows for easy trend analysis and data drilldowns as needed.
    3. Closed Cases: Enables your risk and compliance professionals, auditors and others to view progress in case resolution and reporting trends.
    4. Named vs. Anonymous: A key element metric for any compliance program, this dashboard makes it simple to evaluate named and anonymous reporting trends.
    5. Issue Types: A dashboard presentation of all issue types reported and corresponding measures of each; allows users to identify and target remediation efforts such as training on frequently reported topics
    6. Custom: Enables you to easily create custom dashboards using your incident management data to display key metrics that are critical to your organization. Custom dashboards allow you to incorporate your custom fields, colors, layouts and filters.

    GRC Insights Benefits

    With a full view of your risk and compliance reporting data, plus the ability to isolate and drill-down into case-level data, GRC Insights is the data you need, the way you need it. Navigate with full confidence that you have the data you need to make appropriate decisions to manage, mitigate and reduce organizational risk. GRC Insights is designed to deploy on your existing EthicsPoint instance and deliver broader data aggregation, deeper data clarity and the details you need to make informed decisions.​

    About NAVEX

    NAVEX’s GRC software and compliance management solutions support the integrated risk, ESG and compliance management programs at more than 13,000 organizations worldwide.

Let us evaluate your compliance program to understand what you’re doing well and what you can improve