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Image for NAVEX One GRC Insights Datasheet
NAVEX One GRC Insights Datasheet

About this Datasheets

By leveraging NAVEX GRC Insights, your organization can seamlessly access comprehensive data through both standard and personalized reports that are designed for day-to-day use and board presentations. This powerful system allows you to focus less on searching for specific data points and more on deriving insightful conclusions from the data at hand. In addition, it streamlines the process of evaluating compliance performance over an extended period and provides valuable insights into the data that underpins your organization’s compliance objectives.

  1. For anyone responsible for:
    Measuring the health and impact of a risk and compliance program and gathering and presenting to leadership and boards.
  2. What you'll learn:
    • View and compare whistleblowing cases and training completions by risk – all at once in one report
    • Translate whistleblowing metrics and reporting data into dynamic, easy-to-understand reports
    • Shed light on the complex web of third-party risks with detailed reports that connect and analyze isolated data sources
    • Make disclosures easier to collect and resolve by visualizing patterns across your organization
  3. Page length:
  4. Read the Datasheets