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Image for Departmental Risk Management Use case
Use case
Departmental Risk Management Use Case

About this Use case

Tired of your department getting lost in the noise of a large-scale enterprise risk management program? Learn how NAVEX IRM can help you stand up a departmental risk management practice and shine through in your organization.

  1. What you’ll learn:
    • How to streamline departmental efficiency by automating “lost processes”
    • How to up-level decision-making by leveraging a department-specific risk register
    • How to integrate with larger ERM platforms to get more out of your program
  2. For anyone responsible for:
    • Leading a department or business unit
    • Managing department-specific resources, processes, or vendors
    • Making business decisions and defending them to internal stakeholders
    • Reporting on departmental compliance or risk management metrics
  3. Page length:
    • 2 pages
  4. Read the Use case