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Do you have the investigation resources you need?

If you feel your internal investigations processes have all the resources they need, read no further.

Wait - did you hear that? That was the sound of collective surprise across the world’s risk and compliance practitioners that such a program could even exist.

Often, in the attendee chat of countless NAVEX webinars, customer and industry events, resourcing is the topic practitioners want to talk about. How do you know when you have too little? How do you know when it’s just right?

Since Compliance and internal investigations are not revenue-generating functions, it can at times be more difficult for practitioners to make the successful case to gain more resources for their programs. Yet according to experts evoking the words of the Rolling Stones – it’s about getting what you need, ‘cause you can’t always get what you want.

Speaking as part of the upcoming NAVEX Next Virtual Conference on September 19, compliance leaders Bill Cameron and Wendy Surikov will share the ways in which compliance programs with limited resources can maximize the effectiveness of their internal investigations.

How to do more with less

Cameron and Surikov will share practical tips that ensure the right stakeholders are at the table and know what to do when the time comes to act, avoiding “traffic jams” that can rob the process of efficiency.

They will also draw on years of compliance and investigations experience to explain what skills make for an effective investigator, and which skills can be taught to fine-tune the effectiveness of personnel.

These experienced practitioners will share their list of the minimum tools and resources no compliance program should be without and will discuss how tools and practices have changed as remote investigations have become more common and accepted.

Finally, they will explain sources of data that programs may not even know they are already paying for, and how to use that data to help justify the need for more resources.

Ready to learn more?

Join Cameron and Surikov for their session, “Internal Investigations: Getting What You Need, ‘Cause You Can’t Always Get What You Want,” at the 13th-annual NAVEX Next Virtual Conference!

Click here to register and see the full agenda!