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Image for NAVEX IRM GDPR Compliance Checklist
GDPR Compliance Checklist

About this Datasheets

Demystify GDPR compliance with the GDPR Compliance Checklist. It presents a one-page checklist for compliance designed to help you get your program started. Learn more by downloading the datasheet.

  1. For anyone responsible for:
    GDPR compliance
  2. What you'll learn:
    • How to jump-start your GDPR compliance program with a detailed checklist
  3. Read the Datasheets

    What is GDPR? ————- The European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) replaced the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC and is designed to protect the data privacy of EU citizens. Where does it apply? GDPR applies to all member states in the EU. Who falls under GDPR? Any company in the world with employees or customers with citizenship in an EU country must comply with GDPR. When does it take effect? The GDPR regulation went into effect on May 25, 2018. Why GDPR? There’s a growing call around the world for individual privacy and data protection. It’s led countries from Australia and the United States to the EU and Asia-Pacific to pass national privacy regulations like GDPR. The attached GDPR Checklist is brought to you by NAVEX IRM, which offers a comprehensive, integrated approach to complying with GDPR. Download the checklist to learn more.

    About NAVEX

    NAVEX’s GRC software and compliance management solutions support the integrated risk, ESG and compliance management programs at more than 13,000 organizations worldwide.

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