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Operational Risk Management

About this Datasheets

Streamline and automate processes for managing risks that impact company operations. Use Lockpath to identify, assess and monitor operational risks, as well as achieve value by tying them to company objectives. Lockpath also brings efficiency to incident management and provides robust reporting.

  1. For anyone responsible for:
    Operational risk
  2. What you'll learn:
    • How to manage risks that impact your company’s day-to-day operations
  3. Read the Datasheets

    Operational Risk Management

    The business case for operational risk management
    Operational risk is a by-product of daily business activities. Despite processes, people, and systems, risks enter the picture. There are IT vulnerabilities and threats. Supply chains fail to deliver. Systems malfunction. People commit errors. Left unmanaged, operational risks hurt productivity and can lead to business interruption.

    The Lockpath Platform from NAVEX puts you in the driver’s seat for operational risk management. You can manage every aspect and help prevent adverse events from occurring. With Lockpath, you can keep one goal in mind: operational excellence.

    Download the datasheet to learn more.

    About NAVEX

    NAVEX’s GRC software and compliance management solutions support the integrated risk, ESG and compliance management programs at more than 13,000 organizations worldwide.

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