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RiskRate Screening & Monitoring

About this Datasheets

NAVEX RiskRate is built to help you execute on a best practice based third-party due diligence program and actively reduce your risks. Accessible anytime and anywhere to your program stakeholders, RiskRate is a purpose-built solution through which your third-party due diligence can be streamlined, centralized and expertly managed.

  1. For anyone responsible for:
    • Third party risk management
    • Vendor management
    • Third party due diligence
  2. What you'll learn:
    • Why RiskRate is the best solution through which your third-party due diligence can be streamlined, centralized and expertly managed
    • How RiskRate empowers you to actively reduce your organization’s unique risks
  3. Page length:
    2 pages
  4. Read the Datasheets