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Whistleblowing System With Secure Reporting and Case Management

About this Datasheets

The success of the NAVEX WhistleB system is based on trust. An employee reporting misconduct needs to be confident that they are, and can remain, anonymous. The company itself needs to protect sensitive data. With Microsoft Azure and the NAVEX WhistleB secure application the system safeguards the anonymity of the whistleblower as well as sensitive data.

  1. For anyone responsible for:
    • Hotline and incident management
    • Whistleblowing solution management
    • Data privacy and protection
    • Information security
  2. What you'll learn:
    How the NAVEX WhistleB system – delivered through Microsoft Azure data centers – provides a secure, safe space for whistleblowers to report incidents, and for case managers to respond to and manage incidents.
  3. Page length:
    3 pages
  4. Read the Datasheets