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Asian man with mustache, in blue shirt, working at a coffee shop next to a plant

Employee training for small businesses that doesn’t bore

Employee training doesn’t have to be a chore. With NAVEX, you’ll get training courses that keep your growing team compliant with global, local and industry regulations.

Let's get started

At-a-glance benefits


Aid learning with memorable, interactive courses

Easy setup

Quickly get tailored, trackable training to your people


Cover global and local regulations relevant to you

female small business coworkers chatting outside the shop door wearing aprons

Small business employee training done the right way

You need to train your people to understand workplace harassment and discrimination, among other priorities – but who has the time to work out the nuances of regional regulations? It’s a round-the-clock effort to stay afloat.  

NAVEX employee training software for small businesses helps you:  

  • Train your team consistently and effectively, every time 
  • Stay compliant with confidence, using expert-written content on working ethically, preventing workplace harassment and more 
  • Focus on your developing compliance program, not piles of endless training admin and review
Get started today

See the impact of NAVEX One Ethics and Compliance Training

Non-compliance comes at a cost. NAVEX One employee training software for small businesses helps prove you’re doing all you can to educate your people, so you can minimize the potential impact of fines and fees. Figures assume a headcount under 500.

Calculate your ROI
white man, a bike shop owner, working on his laptop in the store

Expert employee training software for smaller teams

Forget about boring, ineffective training. NAVEX One Ethics and Compliance Training helps you create a workplace where ethics and compliance are understood, valued and actively contribute to your business’s success. 

  • Cover all your training obligations in one cost-effective package 
  • Reduce the risk of misconduct and harassment causing issues in your workplace 
  • Easily keep compliance training up to date with changing regulatory requirements 
  • Empower your team to make ethical choices every day – and show your commitment to keeping it that way 
  • Onboard quickly, without worrying about how many credits or logins you have left

No more employee training yawns

Time to stop second-guessing whether your training materials are missing something that’ll have teeth later. We’ve got the clear, accurate ethics and compliance training you need in NAVEX One.