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What is global supply chain compliance?

Imagine your supply chain as a global relay race, with partners handing off goods across continents. Compliance is like the baton – everyone needs to hold it tight and follow the rules. Supply chain compliance software helps ensure your company and third-party partners stay on the right track, meeting legal and industry standards, and is a key element of a broader enterprise compliance program.

man on phone in front of buildings

Supply chain compliance is complex...

Navigating the terrain of supply chain compliance can leave you with a lot of questions, such as: 

  • How can we systematically assess our supply chain for potential risks associated with transparency and human rights violations? 
  • What methodologies can we adopt to actively supervise and enforce compliance standards across our network of vendors, suppliers and collaborators? 
  • How can we establish a robust system for ongoing training and education within and outside our workforce? 
  • How can we regularly check and update our  policies to make sure they align to the latest rules and regulations? 
  • How can we provide comprehensive supply chain compliance in a resource constrained organization?
See how NAVEX can help
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Global supply chain compliance: why it matters

How your organization manages supply chain compliance is fundamental to legally, ethically and sustainably running a business. How? 

  • Legal compliance: Knowing your company’s supply chains adhere to regulations is not just a box to tick – it’s essential to avoid legal repercussions, penalties and fines. 
  • Ethical responsibility: Choosing to do business with companies that embrace compliance embodies a dedication to ethical business conduct, fostering employee trust and bolstering your company’s integrity. 
  • Reputation management: Aligning with regulatory standards safeguards your company’s reputation. In an era where stakeholders prioritize sustainability and ethical practices, meeting supply chain-related regulations enhances trust and credibility. 
  • Market access and partnerships: Your company can unlock opportunities for international trade and partnerships by meeting regulatory expectations. Conforming to responsible supply chain management standards opens doors to collaborations with like-minded organizations worldwide. 
  • Risk mitigation: Compliance isn’t just about meeting guidelines but safeguarding against potential risks. From supply chain disruptions to legal entanglements, adhering to regulations helps mitigate threats and protects your business’s resilience.

Your supply chain compliance questions, answered.

  • What is compliance in the supply chain?

    Compliance in the supply chain refers to the adherence to laws, regulations, standards, and ethical practices throughout the entire supply chain process.

  • What are common supply chain compliance challenges?

    Common challenges include ensuring product safety, labor standards compliance, environmental regulations adherence, managing international trade regulations, data privacy and security concerns, and maintaining transparency across complex global supply networks.

  • What is the supply chain compliance law?

    Compliance in the supply chain refers to adhering to regulations, standards, and best practices throughout the entire supply chain process, from sourcing raw materials to delivering the final product to the end consumer. Other supply chain laws include the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act and CSDDD.

  • Why is supply chain ethics and compliance important?

    Ethical conduct and compliance help mitigate risks such as reputational damage, legal penalties, and supply chain disruptions. They also foster stakeholder trust, enhance brand reputation, and contribute to sustainable business practices.

  • Why is supplier compliance important?

    Supplier compliance ensures that partners adhere to agreed-upon standards, reducing the risk of product defects, ethical violations, and legal liabilities. It promotes quality, reliability, and moral consistency throughout the supply chain.

  • What are the ethical standards in supply chain management?

    Ethical standards in supply chain management encompass principles such as fair labor practices, environmental sustainability, respect for human rights, anti-corruption measures, and transparent communication.

Master global supply chain compliance with NAVEX One