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Combat workplace discrimination and harassment

Take a stance for a respectful workplace, preventing harassment and eliminating workplace discrimination with the help of NAVEX One.

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Workplace discrimination and harassment: the ugly truth

Even one exposed incident, handled incorrectly, opens the door to devastating consequences:  

  • Talent drain – Top performers won’t tolerate a toxic workplace, and new talent won’t join one. 
  • Astronomical cost – Lawsuits, lost productivity and a tarnished reputation create a financial burden that no business can afford long-term. 
  • Silence fuels the problem – When employees fear reporting suspected misconduct on any front, discrimination and harassment fester and spread.
See how NAVEX can help

The hidden cost of workplace discrimination and harassment

Workplace misconduct quickly creates nightmare scenarios for any business. While it might feel like a cultural problem mostly affecting your people, it also puts your bottom line in the firing line.

Employees in team meeting

Exposing the cracks in your compliance armor

Addressing workplace discrimination and harassment demands action, not just well-meaning policies. Before it’s too late, consider these tough questions: 

  • Are outdated policies a liability? Have your documents kept pace with evolving laws and best practices on harassment prevention? 
  • Is reporting broken? Do employees trust the process of making a report? How do you know? 
  • Are your leaders in the dark? Do managers have the skills to handle complaints sensitively and effectively? 
  • Does your training actually work? Does it tick boxes, or does it equip people to participate in a respectful, inclusive workplace? 
  • What happens if an incident occurs? Do your policies reflect what you’ve learned from your risk and compliance program data?

What is workplace harassment?

Workplace harassment is unwelcome conduct from a boss, coworker, group of coworkers, vendor, or customer whose actions, communication, or behavior mock, demean, puts down, disparage, or ridicules an employee. Physical assaults, threats and intimidation are severe forms of harassment and bullying.

  • What is workplace discrimination?

    Workplace discrimination occurs when an employee is adversely discriminated against due to any number of factors, including race, gender, ethnicity, religion, age, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or pregnancy. It involves treating someone unfavorably or unfairly because of these characteristics.

  • What are the types of harassment in the workplace?

    Types of harassment include sexual harassment, racial harassment, religious harassment, age-related harassment, disability harassment and any other form of unwelcome behavior that creates a hostile work environment.

  • What should I do if I experience harassment or discrimination at work?

    If you experience harassment or discrimination, you should report it to your supervisor, human resources department, or another designated official within your organization. Keep records of the incidents, including times, dates and details of the harassment, as well as anyone else who was present or might have witnessed the incident.

  • Can harassment occur outside the workplace?

    Yes, workplace harassment can occur in any location related to work, such as business trips, business meetings and work-related social events. Harassment can also occur online, such as through email, social media, or other digital platforms used for work purposes.

  • What is a hostile work environment?

    A hostile work environment is created when harassment or discrimination interferes with an employee’s work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

  • What are the consequences for harassers in the workplace?

    Consequences for workplace harassers can include reprimand, mandatory training, transfer, demotion, or termination of employment, depending on the severity of the harassment and the company’s policies.

  • What are employers' responsibilities regarding harassment and discrimination?

    Employers are responsible for creating and maintaining a work environment free from discrimination and harassment. This includes developing clear policies, providing training to all employees, investigating complaints promptly and thoroughly, and taking appropriate disciplinary action against offenders.

  • Can I be retaliated against for reporting harassment or discrimination?

    No – it’s illegal for employers to retaliate against you for filing a complaint about harassment or discrimination, participating in a harassment or discrimination investigation, or opposing harassment or discrimination in the workplace.

  • What legal remedies are available if I've been harassed or discriminated against at work?

    Legal remedies may include filing a complaint with the appropriate government agency, such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in the United States. Victims of harassment or discrimination may be entitled to remedies including reinstatement, back pay, compensatory damages and punitive damages, depending on the laws of your country and the specifics of your case.

Stop workplace harassment and discrimination in its tracks

Workplace harassment and discrimination poison company culture, erode trust and drive away the people who enable your success. Manage internal risks and build a healthy workplace culture with NAVEX One.