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Les 10 principales tendances de risque et conformité pour 2025

Jeudi 30 Janvier

11h00 CET

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Renforcer la confiance des employés

Gérer de manière proactive les programmes de signalement afin de renforcer la confiance et de s’aligner sur l’évolution des réglementations mondiales en matière de protection des employés.

Transformer les stratégies de risque

Exploiter la puissance de l’IA, de la surveillance de la chaîne d’approvisionnement et de la résilience de la cybersécurité pour relever les défis émergents en matière de conformité.

Construire une résilience prête pour l'avenir

Donnez à votre organisation les moyens de prospérer dans un environnement en constante évolution grâce à des stratégies adaptatives en matière de conformité et de gestion des risques.

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Nous approchons d’une nouvelle année marquée par l’évolution des exigences réglementaires, l’apparition de nouveaux risques et les attentes croissantes des parties prenantes. Garder une longueur d’avance n’est plus un avantage, c’est une nécessité.

Participez à notre webinaire pour découvrir des stratégies concrètes permettant de répondre aux priorités les plus importantes qui, selon les experts du secteur, auront le plus d’impact sur vous.  

Vous apprendrez :

  • Des informations exploitables : L’expansion du lancement d’alerte, les risques liés à la chaîne d’approvisionnement et l’impact de l’IA sur la conformité. 
  • Des stratégies claires : Naviguer dans les défis de l’ESG, de la civilité au travail et de la surveillance réglementaire. 
  • Une adaptabilité pour demain : Prospérer dans l’incertitude avec des pratiques de gouvernance solides et une technologie adaptée.

Vos intervenants

  • Portrait of Carrie Penman

    Carrie Penman

    Chief Risk & Compliance Officer


    Portrait of Carrie Penman

    Carrie Penman

    Chief Risk & Compliance Officer


    As one of the earliest ethics officers in the industry, Carrie Penman previously served four years as deputy director of the Ethics and Compliance Officer Association, now ECI. A scientist by training, she developed and directed the first corporate-wide global ethics program at Westinghouse Electric Corporation between 1994 and 1999. Carrie now leads NAVEX’s risk management processes and oversees its internal ethics and compliance program.   

    Carrie has extensive client-facing risk and compliance consulting experience, including more than 15 years as an adviser to boards and executive teams. Carrie was awarded the inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Compliance 2020 by Compliance Week magazine. In 2017, she received the ECI’s Carol R. Marshall Award for Innovation in Corporate Ethics for an extensive career contributing to the advancement of the ethics and compliance field worldwide.

  • Vera Cherepanova

    Vera Cherepanova

    Executive Director

    Boards of the Future

    Vera Cherepanova

    Vera Cherepanova

    Executive Director

    Boards of the Future

    Vera is an award-winning ethics and compliance expert who writes and speaks about business ethics, workplace culture, behavioral compliance, risk, and governance. She is the Executive Director of Boards of the Future, a non-profit that works with corporate boards globally and advocates for more people with ethics and compliance backgrounds on boards. Vera is the author of Corporate Compliance Program, the first-ever book on compliance in the Russian language, and a co-author of The Transnationalization of Anti-Corruption Law, as well as hundreds of articles on all aspects of ethics, compliance, and governance. Her insights have been featured in the Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, Law360, Compliance Week, and Chartered Management Institute publications. Vera serves as an ethics advisor for market-leading corporations and international not-for-profits. 

    For more information, visit

  • Rebecca Walker

    Rebecca Walker


    Kaplan & Walker LLP

    Rebecca Walker

    Rebecca Walker


    Kaplan & Walker LLP

    Rebecca Walker is a partner in the Santa Monica, California office of Kaplan & Walker LLP, a law firm that counsels organizations on the development, implementation and enhancement of compliance and ethics programs. Rebecca specializes in compliance and ethics law and assists organizations in structuring their programs, revising codes of conduct and other related policies. She has conducted numerous assessments of compliance and ethics programs and has served as a monitor for the Department of the Air Force and consulted with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Rebecca is the author of Conflicts of Interest in Business and the Professions: Law and Compliance, as well as a number of other compliance surveys and published articles. Rebecca received her B.A. from Georgetown University and her J.D. from Harvard Law School.

Bonus exclusif

Inscrivez-vous dès aujourd’hui pour bénéficier d’un accès anticipé à notre tout nouveau livre électronique Les 10 principales tendances de risque et conformité pour 2025 et commencez à planifier l’année à venir.